7:06 AM
In recent news:
YAY!! We had an overnight finally!!
On March 4th we spent the evening at church watching Star Wars on the big screen...and playing Sneeks until 2 in the morning.
Watching movies on the "big screen" WITH a pretty impressive sound system a la Zach. |
This made for an eeeeaarly morning for some of us... :op
We had breakfast together and then began our 2nd Rock-A-Thon to raise money for our future events in Youth Group. Everyone rocked from 9 am until 9 pm with some breaks in there to stretch our legs and have our meals.
We had a great time together, hanging out, watching movies, attempting Wii Bowling in rocking chairs, and eating!
A snazzy lookin' crew! |
"I don't yike Aaron." |
As a side note...as much as we enjoyed watching some of our Youth Groupies in the musical at CLCS...We are SOOOOO glad its over so we can have you all to ourselves on Wednesday nights now!
8:58 AM
To start with...I am sorry. Especially to those of you who have been anxiously awaiting this post--eh hem...M. Parker!
So here it is...
And then last week--October 6th--we began a series of lessons on "The Armor of God" (said in our best loud booming voice!). This night was a basic overview of the scripture in Ephesians related to putting on our Armor.
After spending some time with the word, we then created out own armor...for a small, defenseless, weak shelled egg. We used 2 sheets of newspaper, 5 straws, and some masking tape to see if we could create armor that would protect the egg in a very far fall. Check out the armor created below.
In the end we only had one egg survive...but we took alot away from this lesson. The main lesson being that without the armor of God when we fall we often fall apart! We also learned that while sometimes we "think" our armor will work...it doesn't and we have to re-evaluate.
Up next--a little service project...A Potato Bar for Vespers Dinner...prepared and served by the Youth Groupies.
4:24 PM
This will serve as ANOTHER way for us to stay in touch, keep everyone in the know, and share with our congregation all of the fun stuff we get to do.
In case you lost yours:
Summer is gone and school is here...but you can dry your tears because that means
YOUTH GROUP is beginning again!
Be at church on Wednesday, September 8th for our HYG Kick-Off from 5:30pm-7pm. Join us and meet some new faces as well as to catch up with some friends. We will have dinner together before Vespers and then meet and talk about some changes and the year to come!
God has been doing some great things in your lives over the past few months and we can’t wait to see you and hear all about them, so come on over, invite some friends and don't miss out!